Should I get work boots with laces?
There are pros and cons with lace up welding boots and you have to decide if they’re right for you or if you’d prefer slip on welding boots. Over the years I’ve seen welders walking around with burnt laces. It’s crucial that if you’re welding you don’t have normal laces that are exposed. Some people will use either raw hide laces or Kevlar laces. Out of these, the kevlar laces are my preferred choice because they offer the same flexibility as a normal pair of laces. The only problem with having these exposed laces is that you can sometimes still get spatter in your boot. The last thing you want is molten metal burning through your foot whilst you struggle to get your boot off. If you’re going to buy lace up welding boots then you need to get a pair with a metatarsal guard. These boots have a protective covering over the laces to protect your feet and your boots from damage. If you really want to avoid any dangers which may arise from have boots with laces, then slip on b...